The crystals, these thousand-year-old stones
Since ancient times, crystals have been revered and used in all kinds of spiritual rituals. Prized for their unique energy properties, many religious traditions believed that crystals descended from the heavens.
It is in ancient India that the use of crystals has been most studied. Traditional Indian medicine Ayurvedic, more than 2000 YEARS bc – and still practiced today – considers crystals and precious stones to be invaluable in countering the effects of astrology and karma. In one of the oldest Hindu scripts, the Veda, healing crystals are documented with their specific healing properties. There is probably no other culture that uses crystals as much as Hindus.
Superstition, myth and romance have been attached to crystals since ancient times. Persian mythology affirmed that the world stood on a giant sapphire whose reflection became sky blue. The ancient Greeks crushed hematite before rubbing it on the soldiers' bodies with the idea that it made them invincible. The Egyptians, for their part, buried their deaths with quartz with the belief that the energy power of quartz would help the deceased find their way into the afterlife.
What is a crystal?
Basically, crystals are a solid material in which atoms are arranged in regular patterns. This applies as much to the salt crystals in your kitchen as it does to the diamond of a ring. You might think that glass is a crystal, but that's not the case. There is no crystal structure because it cools too quickly.
The word crystal originates from the ancient Greek krystallos which means freezing cold. The ancient Greeks believed that the clear quartz was ice that had frozen so hard that it would never melt.
What differentiates one crystal from another?
It all comes down to its internal atomic structure. Take graphite in a pencil and a diamond. They are both carbon-formed but differ in their internal structure. In graphite, the atoms are bound in layers, which are only weakly related, so it is a very soft material. In the diamond, each atom is bound to four others in a particular rigid compact structure. This makes it the hardest known substance. The diamond has been subjected to extreme heat and intense pressure to form in this way.
Identify the crystals
Some crystals may appear identical to the naked eye, such as citrine and yellow topaz. You must judge a stone by its color, its cleavage, its hardness and its specific gravity. Most people know the hardness scale with the lowest talc at 1 and the hardest diamond at 10.
Synthetic crystals
You can grow synthetic crystals from seeds and turn them into flawless crystals. It takes several months to grow a beautiful emerald, but under a microscope, its structure is not the same as a natural emerald. the quartz used in watches and electronics is synthetic quartz. You may not realize that all natural gems have defects, whether they are microscopic inclusions of another material or clearly visible as rutile in rutile quartz.
Crystals and energy
It is said that when light is reflected on crystals and stones, the body's electromagnetic field, the aura, absorbs energy. Silicon is an excellent transmitter of vibration and energy, which is why it is used in the electronic industry and in science. Quartz is made of silicon, and a major component of the human body is also silicon, so it is thought that one can transfer electromagnetic energy to the other.
The use of crystals is supposed to dissolve stress, eliminate blockages, support new intentions and bring harmony. They can neutralize negative energies, extract energy from an over-stimulated area, or revitalize a depleted area.
Modern conventional medicine has rubies in its surgical lasers, used for example in the treatment of gallstones. Silicon chips are an essential part of pacemakers and other life-saving equipment.
Science has shown that if a crystal is placed in an energy field, it collects that energy and contains it. This could change or transmute the energy of the process. Some crystals, such as quartz, boost energy. The crystal then radiates energy again. For example, if an acupuncture needle is covered with quartz, its effect is improved from 10% to 12%.
The exceptions are black crystals, which absorb energy but do not release it. This makes them extremely useful as protection against unpleasant or hostile vibrations. Crystals are also used to purify the atmosphere of a room. You can place a crystal ball or a large crystal druse in a room to help balance the "feel" of a room.
How to Clean Your Crystals
Because crystals absorb and emit energy, they must be cleaned before using them for the first time to rid them of the negative energies they could have absorbed before being manipulated. You can easily clean your crystal by immersing it in salt water, then rinse with fresh water and let it dry naturally. Alternatively, you can simply hold it under running water and then let it dry in the sun. Delicate crystals that cannot be left in the water can stay on the salt crystals for a few hours. You can also let the stone rest on a bunch of quartz if you have a large enough cluster. If
you decide to wear or transport a crystal for a specific purpose, you must clean it regularly and unload it. In other words, it's as simple as holding the crystal in your hands and calmly saying in your mind what you want the stone to do. Whether you place your belief in the stone itself or in your own subconscious abilities, the process works and can be very effective.
Crystals and Healing
Many crystals have been used for healing since ancient times. Thousands of years ago, Galen recommended using hematite for headaches and the Chinese have always used iron pyrite to stimulate the healing of broken bones. The Egyptians left instructions on a powder used on crushed malachite and chrysoprase wounds. In fact, science has shown that it is an effective antibacterial that can kill staph infections.
Modern crystal healers would recommend pink quartz or garnet for ailments involving the heart. For the liver, you may want to consider using aquamarine, bloodstone or cornaline. The gallbladder is associated with cornaline, citrine and tiger eye. The female reproductive system is associated with moonstone, chrysoprase and unakite. Amethyst or hematitis is recommended for tension headaches and lapis lazuli for migraine.
Gems have also been used in elixirs since ancient times. The gem is placed in water and left in the sun. Then the water is drunk or bathed. As wine was often substituted for water or brandy added as a preservative, it was a very popular remedy. However, you need to know what you are doing, as some stones like unst polished malachite are used in this way.
Crystals and Metalphysics
Crystals are also used to treat and heal emotional imbalances and help with mental attitudes. For example, amber neutralizes negative states of mind and balances the underlying imbalance. Jetstone fights mood swings and deep depression. Guilt is dealt with by pink quartz, the "stone of love" – it helps you to forgive others and forgive you, allowing love to flow freely again. Aquamarine has long been associated with the elimination of communication blockages and recently discovered stone sugilite helps solve dyslexic problems.